Copyright © Godbout Laboratory. All rights reserved.

Upcoming Events and Seminars:

Recent Research News & Updates:

OSU Department of Neuroscience Research Day                            May 3, 2024                  Columbus, OH

All trainees presenting posters

OSU Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium                  May 21, 2024                Columbus, OH

All trainees presenting posters

News Feeds: 

PNIRS Annual Meeting                                                                          Jun 24 - 27, 2024            Halifax, NS Canada

National Neurotrauma Society Annual Meeting                               Jun 9 - 12, 2024            San Francisco, CA

All TBI trainees presenting posters

Godbout Lab:​


A Research Laboratory of Neuroimmunology, Neurotrauma, and Behavior

Society for Neuroscience Conference                                                Oct 5 - Oct 9, 2024          Chicago, IL

Congratulations to Ethan Goodman for successfully defending his dissertation!

Congratulations to all of our undergraduate researchers who graduated on May 5th! Ziniya, Kara, Nate, and Kristel!

Congratulations to Ethan Goodman for his recent paper publication in Molecular Psychiatry!​​

Congratulations to Riley Britt for placing 1st at OSU's Denman Undergraduate Research Forum!

Congratulations to Becca Biltz for successfully defending her dissertation!

Congratulations to Becca Biltz and Jonathan Packer for their recent paper publications! Becca in BBI, Jonathan in Glia.​​